Publication library

Strengthening the engineering workforce in Australia cover
Engineers Australia | August 2022

Strengthening the engineering workforce in Australia

Solutions to address the skills shortage in the short, medium, and long term.
Women in engineering: June 2022
Engineers Australia | June 2022

Women in engineering

Identifying avenues for increasing female participation in engineering, by understanding the motivators and barriers around entry and progression. 

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | April 2022

Commercialisation of engineering innovation

Despite having one of the world’s most educated and wealthy populations, Australia remains a chronic underperformer when it comes to the commercialisation of engineering innovation.

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery policy directions paper
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery

This document provides recommendations for implementation by Australian governments, in collaboration with industry and academia, to increase productivity in the infrastructure sector and to determine how engineers can best contribute to these aspirations. 

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers cover
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers

Overseas-born engineers make up over 58 per cent of Australia’s engineering workforce but are significantly more likely than their Australian-born counterparts to be unemployed. To find out why and identify how to overcome the barriers to employment these engineers face, Engineers Australia commissioned research to identify potential barriers to employment.

Barriers to participation in the workforce cover
Engineering for Australia Taskforce | March 2021

Barriers to participation in engineering and the value of interventions to improve diversity

Despite considerable effort, there is still much to be done to improve girls’ participation in STEM education and careers. The Engineering for Australia Taskforce has appreciated the need to act based on four issues they have identified. This paper reviews the international research literature that not only focuses on barriers to girls’ participation in engineering, but more importantly focuses on the value of interventions to improve diverse participation in engineering.

National STEM strategy 2019-2023 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2018

National STEM strategy 2019-2023

One of Engineers Australia’s key strategic priorities is to ‘create tomorrow’s engineers’, focusing the organisation on the future pipeline of engineers and building STEM skills capability within the workforce of tomorrow.

State of the engineering profession 2017 cover
Engineers Australia | 2017

The state of the engineering profession: engineering in Australia

Engineers Australia's insights for 2017, specifically the change required to realise the country’s political, social and economic aspirations.

Cover of Tasmanian workforce development plan
Engineers Australia | 2016

Tasmanian workforce development plan 2016-2019

Tasmanian engineers work in a global environment and are deeply integrated into sophisticated supply chains. Importantly, engineering is a critical enabling profession that fuels innovation.

Cover for Energy security in Australia
Engineers Australia | 2014

Energy security for Australia: crafting a comprehensive energy security policy

This report makes a series of recommendations aimed at implementing a comprehensive approach to energy security policy through a series of initiatives. 

Cover of Our FLNG future engineering opportunities and challenges
Engineers Australia | 2014

Our FLNG future: engineering opportunities and challenges

The introduction of Floating Liquefied Natural Gas facilities (FLNG) into the Western Australian gas industry marks a major step change in the way natural gas fields can be developed.

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