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Engineers Australia | October 2021

Energy governance and the engineering voice

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers cover
Engineers Australia | October 2021

Barriers to employment for migrant engineers

Overseas-born engineers make up over 58 per cent of Australia’s engineering workforce but are significantly more likely than their Australian-born counterparts to be unemployed. To find out why and identify how to overcome the barriers to employment these engineers face, Engineers Australia commissioned research to identify potential barriers to employment.

Barriers to participation in the workforce cover
Engineering for Australia Taskforce | March 2021

Barriers to participation in engineering and the value of interventions to improve diversity

Despite considerable effort, there is still much to be done to improve girls’ participation in STEM education and careers. The Engineering for Australia Taskforce has appreciated the need to act based on four issues they have identified. This paper reviews the international research literature that not only focuses on barriers to girls’ participation in engineering, but more importantly focuses on the value of interventions to improve diverse participation in engineering.

Diversity and inclusion positioning statement cover
Engineers Australia | April 2020

Engineers Australia’s Diversity and Inclusion Positioning Statement

Engineers Australia is committed to an engineering profession that is as diverse as the community it serves and as the peak body for Australian engineering, we must lead the way.
Safety case guideline cover
Risk Engineering Society | 2014

Safety case guideline

Clarifying the safety case concept to engineer due diligence under the provisions of the model Work Health and Safety Act 2011. 

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