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Engineers Australia accredited programs cover
Engineers Australia | April 2024

Engineers Australia accredited programs

A comprehensive list of Engineers Australia accredited engineering programs from Australian tertiary and VET education providers. This list is updated regularly.

Project awards handbook  cover
Engineers Australia | March 2024

Excellence Awards 2024: Project Award entry handbook

The Project of the Year Award recognises Australia’s top engineering projects and the teams behind them. These projects inspire and encourage engineering distinction through teamwork, innovation and technical excellence. 


This handbook provides everything you need to know about nominating for the 2024 award. 

Plain light grey background with red text saying 'National water reform inquiry' inside large red brackets
Engineers Australia | February 2024

National Water Reform 2024 Inquiry submission

Engineers Australia's submission to the National Water Reform 2024 inquiry recommends taking an integrated water management approach to achieve desired outcomes and broaden the delivery role of water utilities. This submission was developed in conjunction with members of the Queensland Division Committee, the Queensland Water Panel.

Cover of PPIR protocol for engagement
The Warren Centre | July 2013

PPIR protocol for engagement

This protocol informs and guides companies and public sector entities operating as clients, suppliers or employers on the essentials in making effective use of the knowledge and experience of Professional Engineers to achieve optimum outcomes and value for money in considering and undertaking an engineering task. 

Cover of Survey working environment and engineering careers
Engineers Australia | 2013

Survey of working environment and engineering careers

A report on a survey of Engineers Australia members undertaken in 2012.

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