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Professional standards framework cover
Engineers Australia | August 2023

Professional standards framework

The Engineers Australia Professional Standards Framework is the integrated system of policies, processes and resources that guide and support engineers to practice engineering ethically, competently and responsibly. It applies throughout their careers from pre-qualification through to advanced practice and executive management and leadership and is designed to set, uphold and enhance standards that protect the public and build resilience and trust in the profession.

Cover of academic document, grey background and three images one of a steam train, one of a windmill, one of a merry-go-round
Engineering Heritage Australia | August 2023

An engineer’s guide to the conservation of Australia’s engineering heritage

This guide is designed to assist engineers working on a built item or its intangible heritage, to assess the significance of the item and its components and devise a course of action to achieve the conservation of the significance of the item.

Cover of professional indemnity insurance checklist
Engineers Australia | November 2021

Professional indemnity insurance checklist

An explanation of professional indemnity insurance and a checklist with some of the key considerations to take into account when purchasing or renewing your annual PII policy. 

National STEM strategy 2019-2023 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2018

National STEM strategy 2019-2023

One of Engineers Australia’s key strategic priorities is to ‘create tomorrow’s engineers’, focusing the organisation on the future pipeline of engineers and building STEM skills capability within the workforce of tomorrow.

EHA oral history guidelines cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | November 2017

Guidelines for the Engineering Heritage Australia national engineering oral history program

The National Engineering Oral History Program aims to record for posterity in their own voice, the experiences, achievements and observations of significant engineers, provide resources to Division heritage units that may not otherwise be able to afford to undertake oral history, and establish an engineering oral history data base for researchers, biographers, historians, journalists and social scientists.

Sustainability policy cover
Engineers Australia | November 2014

Sustainability policy

Engineers Australia is committed to working in a way that ensures the long-term survival of life on earth in a fair and equitable way. Our Sustainability Policy covers the principles, guidelines and plan we will work to for the next few years.

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We work with publishing house Taylor & Francis to publish technical journals and encourage members to submit their own papers.

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