Publication library

EHA cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | January 2022

EHA Magazine, volume 4, edition 1

This edition looks at Sydney’s Balls Head coal loader, Canberra’s ill-fated railway, the Lake Canobolas Pump House, and A.T. Harman’s Port Melbourne Engineering Works.

EHA cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | January 2021

EHA Magazine, volume 3, edition 7

This edition looks at Perth's Secret WWII RAAF Bunker, Tram substation machinery in Melbourne, and new home for the NSW Australian Railway Historical Society, and the 2021 Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference.

EHA cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | January 2020

EHA Magazine, volume 3, edition 4

This edition covers the Nowra Bridge across the Shoalhaven River, Concrete Pontoon at Circular Quay and the Australasian Engineering Heritage Conference 2020.

EHA cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | January 2019

EHA Magazine, volume 3, edition 1

This edition explores the launch of EA Newcastle Divisions’ Oral History Collection, the Völklingen Ironworks in Germany, a foghorn in the Shetlands, the Steam Pumping Engine at Lake Boga, and more.

EHA cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | January 2018

EHA Magazine, volume 2, edition 7

This edition explores engineering and industrial heritage in the US, the Railway Bridge over Eddy Avenue in Sydney and provides reflections on engineering in Vietnam.

EHA oral history guidelines cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | November 2017

Guidelines for the Engineering Heritage Australia national engineering oral history program

The National Engineering Oral History Program aims to record for posterity in their own voice, the experiences, achievements and observations of significant engineers, provide resources to Division heritage units that may not otherwise be able to afford to undertake oral history, and establish an engineering oral history data base for researchers, biographers, historians, journalists and social scientists.

EHA cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | January 2017

EHA Magazine, volume 2, edition 5

This edition takes a look at the Murtoa Stick Shed, an American’s View of Australian engineering heritage, the case of two missing engineers, and the Woolloomooloo Finger Wharf.

Cover of the Engineering Heritage Australia magazine
Engineering Heritage Australia | January 2016

EHA Magazine, volume 2, edition 1

This edition covers the paddle steamer “Mary Ann”, the Humphrey Pumps at Cobdogla, Chefchaouen and the Wadi Laou in Morocco, and the bushfire at the historic Yarloop Railway Workshops.

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