Publication library

Cover of Value capture and infrastructure funding
Engineers Australia | February 2017

Value Capture and Infrastructure Funding

Engineers Australia argues that enhanced investment in economic infrastructure is long overdue and welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Government’s discussion paper “Using value capture to help deliver major land transport infrastructure: roles for the Australian Government”.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | January 2017

Proposed changes to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation

Engineers Australia welcomes the NSW Government’s work in establishing a better regulatory model for building certification through the Government’s implementation of the findings from the Lambert Review, and from those recommendations the changes to the abovementioned regulations.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | January 2017

Federal budget

Engineers Australia's pre-budget submission for the 2017-18 federal budget.

State of the engineering profession 2017 cover
Engineers Australia | 2017

The state of the engineering profession: engineering in Australia

Engineers Australia's insights for 2017, specifically the change required to realise the country’s political, social and economic aspirations.

Cover of Future of electricity generation
Engineers Australia | 2017

The future of Australian electricity generation

A transition plan should consider all options, and transforming Australia’s electricity generation is not a matter of choosing just one technology for the future. It is using a combination of existing and emerging technologies, in a structural policy environment consistent with emissions reductions and meeting the demand for electricity. A secure energy future will be reliant on these policy approaches being successfully deployed.

Cover of Engineers make things happen
Engineers Australia | 2017

Engineers make things happen: the need for an engineering pipeline strategy

Engineers Australian examines the need for an engineering pipeline strategy. 

Cover of Women in engineering 2017
Engineers Australia | 2017

Women in engineering: 2017

The purpose of this project was to investigate, identify and assess the barriers confronting women in engineering in order to find ways to redress the underrepresentation of women in the profession. This was completed as a partnership with Engineers Australia and Monash University as part of the Monash Industry Team Initiative (MITI) project.

Diversity and inclusion action plan cover
Engineers Australia | 2017

Diversity and inclusion action plan 2017 - 2020

The Engineers Australia Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan is guided by the organisation’s strategic goals, especially create tomorrow’s engineers and provide a professional home for life.

Implementing sustainability cover
Engineers Australia | 2017

Implementing sustainability: principles and practice

This document provides guidelines on how to develop more fully the principles of sustainability and to enable them to be implemented in practice.

Annual report cover 2015
Engineers Australia | November 2015

Annual Report 2014-2015

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Sustainability policy cover
Engineers Australia | November 2014

Sustainability policy

Engineers Australia is committed to working in a way that ensures the long-term survival of life on earth in a fair and equitable way. Our Sustainability Policy covers the principles, guidelines and plan we will work to for the next few years.

Annual report 2013-2014 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2014

Annual report 2013-2014

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | March 2014

CPD types and conditions

CPD can be taken in many ways including formal, structured learning as well as private study. Engineers Australia has conditions around the types of CPD you complete towards your continued membership.

Cover for Energy security in Australia
Engineers Australia | 2014

Energy security for Australia: crafting a comprehensive energy security policy

This report makes a series of recommendations aimed at implementing a comprehensive approach to energy security policy through a series of initiatives. 

Cover of Our FLNG future engineering opportunities and challenges
Engineers Australia | 2014

Our FLNG future: engineering opportunities and challenges

The introduction of Floating Liquefied Natural Gas facilities (FLNG) into the Western Australian gas industry marks a major step change in the way natural gas fields can be developed.

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