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Cover of clean energy workforce capacity study submission
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Clean energy workforce capacity study

The Australian Government has commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) to undertake a capacity study on the workforce needs for Australia's transition to a clean energy economy. JSA is identifying the pathways to develop the required skills and training, the contribution of the migration program and how opportunities are shared across regions and incorporate diversity. Our submission draws on the work we have done in strengthening the engineering workforce in Australia, women in engineering and reducing the barriers for migrant engineers.

Navy and red cover for Engineers Australia's submission on Fuel Efficiency standards
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Fuel efficiency standard submission

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts has conducted a consultation on the key elements of an Australian Fuel Efficiency Standard. This is an important initiative to cut costs and reduce the carbon pollution from Australia’s cars and light commercial vehicles. This consultation builds on the work done in developing the National Electric Vehicle Strategy to which Engineers Australia also made a submission.

Navy background with red text and a red hexagon graphic in the middle
Engineers Australia | March 2023

Submission to national battery strategy

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources consulted on a National Battery Strategy issues paper. Engineers Australia's submission focuses on moving up the value chain, starting in mineral processing, covering all processes and precursors before mass manufacturing, assembly in niche applications and leveraging safety standards and ESG credentials for competitive advantage.

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