Publication library

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering

Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering (ITEE) deals with scientific and engineering design to develop computer modelling tools, broadband capability, improve telecommunications systems, hardware and software, systems for media broadcasting and sound, and sophisticated electronics. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineering deals with four main sub-disciplines which are reservoir, drilling, production, and formation evaluation engineering.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Naval Architecture

Naval architecture deals with the safe design and specification of marine vessels and structures. The naval architect can also be involved in the construction, repair, refit or operation of such marine vessels and structures. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics engineering is multidisciplinary and deals with integrating electrical and mechanical systems. It can include a combination of robotics, electronics, computing, telecommunications, systems, control, product engineering, and electronics to create functional, smart products.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering deals with the application of the principles of engineering and physics with the study of advanced materials for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. Civil engineers generally specialise in one of a number of sub-disciplines. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering deals with the application of physical sciences (physics and chemistry) and life sciences (microbiology and biochemistry), together with applied mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Building Services Engineering

Building services engineering deals with the internal environmental and environmental impact of a building.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering deals with combining design and problem-solving skills in applying engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Amusement rides and devices

Amusement rides and devices engineering deals with certification in line with the relevant Australian Standard of design, construction, operation, inspection, testing, service and maintenance associated with fixed and mobile amusement rides.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering deals with the development of aircraft and spacecraft. The purpose of aerospace engineering is to achieve optimal integrated aerospace systems. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical engineering deals with the mechanics of soil and rock and its applications to engineering elements.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Fire Safety Engineering

Fire safety engineering deals with the protection of life, property, and environment through the application of engineering principles, rules and judgement to the phenomenon of fire, its physical effects and the reaction and behaviour of people to fire.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering deals with electricity generation, transmission, distribution, electrical equipment manufacture, instrumentation and control systems.

Future of rail transport cover
Transport Australia Society | March 2022

Future of rail transport

This paper calls for increased use of rail in Australia’s land transport system. It aims to enable policy makers, delivery agencies, investors, operators and the public to better understand the land transport situation and scenarios where rail can play a larger role, develop strong visions for national land transport effectiveness and mobility goals, and establish timelines for delivering major changes in our national mobility systems.

Engineering skills supply and demand
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Engineering skills: supply and demand

This discussion paper is designed to provide a broad view of the situation Australia is facing in relation to the supply and demand for engineering skills. It is a resource to prompt thought and discussion.

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery policy directions paper
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery

This document provides recommendations for implementation by Australian governments, in collaboration with industry and academia, to increase productivity in the infrastructure sector and to determine how engineers can best contribute to these aspirations. 

Intergrating DER in the gird, energy discussion paper cover
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Discussion paper: integrating DER in the grid

This discussion paper is intended to stimulate a conversation about what is possible for DER integration, and how Engineers Australia should engage with it.

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