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Cover of annual report 2021-22
Engineers Australia | November 2022

Annual report 2021-2022

This annual report informs of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensures transparent and responsible reporting for governance best practice, summarises the main activities and financial performance of our organisation, and informs stakeholders, partners, media and government of our focus. 

Increasing womens participation in engineering education cover
Engineering for Australia Taskforce | March 2022

Increasing women's participation in engineering education: actions for change

Engineering should be as diverse as the people it serves. For all Australian workplaces, diversity is good for culture and outcomes. Businesses thrive with a mix of ideas and views from people with different backgrounds and experiences. This paper explores actions for change. 

Future of rail transport cover
Transport Australia Society | March 2022

Future of rail transport

This paper calls for increased use of rail in Australia’s land transport system. It aims to enable policy makers, delivery agencies, investors, operators and the public to better understand the land transport situation and scenarios where rail can play a larger role, develop strong visions for national land transport effectiveness and mobility goals, and establish timelines for delivering major changes in our national mobility systems.

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery policy directions paper
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery

This document provides recommendations for implementation by Australian governments, in collaboration with industry and academia, to increase productivity in the infrastructure sector and to determine how engineers can best contribute to these aspirations. 

Intergrating DER in the gird, energy discussion paper cover
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Discussion paper: integrating DER in the grid

This discussion paper is intended to stimulate a conversation about what is possible for DER integration, and how Engineers Australia should engage with it.

Engineering skills supply and demand
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Engineering skills: supply and demand

This discussion paper is designed to provide a broad view of the situation Australia is facing in relation to the supply and demand for engineering skills. It is a resource to prompt thought and discussion.

Annual report 2020-2021 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2021

Annual report 2020-2021

This annual report on Engineers Australia’s achievements and challenges for 2020–21 aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensure transparent and responsible reporting for governance best practice, summarise the main activities and financial performance of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our focus. 

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery cover
Engineers Australia | March 2021

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery

The purpose of this document is to engage Engineers Australia members and the engineering-adjacent community in a discussion about what it will take to increase productivity in the infrastructure industry, and to determine how engineers can best contribute to meaningful evidence-based policy development.

Cover of aviation infrastructure discussion paper
Transport Australia Society | March 2021

Aviation infrastructure

This document has been produced with an aim to improve aviation in Australia and is intended to inform discussions contributing to Australia’s aviation economy, which is essential for communities, industries, businesses, and tourism. The focus of the paper is on the airport, from the air to the land side, including transport infrastructure planning and engineering, today and in the future.

Annual report 2019-2022 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2020

Annual report 2019-2020

This annual report provides comprehensive information on our achievements for the 2019–20 financial year. It aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensure transparent and responsible reporting that meets governance best practice, provide members with information about the main activities and financial performance of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our areas of focus as the peak body for the engineering profession in Australia. 

Annual report cover 2019
Engineers Australia | November 2019

Annual report 2018-2019

This annual report provides comprehensive information on our achievements for the 2018-19 financial year. It aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensure transparent and responsible reporting that meets governance best practice, provide members with information about the key activities of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our key areas of focus as the peak body for the engineering profession in Australia. 

Road pricing discussion paper cover
Transport Australia Society | March 2019

Road pricing

This paper is intended to inform discussion on the potential role of road pricing in managing travel demand and addressing revenue challenges, recognising implementation and social equity considerations.

Annual report 2017-2018 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2018

Annual Report 2017-2018

This annual report provides comprehensive information on our achievements for the 2017–18 financial year. It aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities., ensure transparent and responsible reporting that meets governance best practice, provide members with information about the key activities of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our key areas of focus as the peak body for the engineering profession in Australia.

Annual report 2016-2017 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2017

Annual Report 2016-2017

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Annual report cover 2016
Engineers Australia | November 2016

Annual report 2015-2016

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Annual report cover 2015
Engineers Australia | November 2015

Annual Report 2014-2015

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Annual report 2013-2014 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2014

Annual report 2013-2014

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Annual report 2012-2013 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2013

Annual report 2012-2013

Summary of key outcomes for Engineers Australia for financial year 2012-2013. 

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