Publication library

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | October 2023

Roadmap to establish an Australian decommissioning industry submission

Engineers Australia highlights that decommissioning is a $60 billion opportunity for Australian industry and workers.

Document with grey background and red text reading 'Annual report'. Six people posing inside of a graphic of a hexagon with red brackets on either side.
Engineers Australia | October 2023

Annual report 2022-23

This annual report on Engineers Australia's performance informs of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensures transparent and responsible reporting for governance best practice, summarises the main activities and financial outcomes, and informs stakeholders, partners, media and government of our focus. 

Grey background with red title, reading 'Draft standard AS 7531 rolling stock lighting and visibility', with red brackets around it
Transport Australia Society | October 2023

Engineers Australia and Transport Australia society submission train lighting and visibility

Engineers Australia and the Transport Australia society have co-authored this submission with the aim to improve safety on road and railways for all Australians.

Grey background with red title, reading Shaping SEQ 2023 update,  in large red brakcets
Engineers Australia | October 2023

ShapingSEQ 2023 update submission

Engineers Australia provides this submission to the Queensland Government compiling the thoughts of
leaders in the engineering industry in response to the ShapingSEQ 2023 document. 

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | April 2023

Developing Australia's science priority

Engineers Australia's response to the federal government's statement Developing Australia’s Science and Research Priorities and National Science – a National Conversation Starter. We outline a brief summary of the most important challenges in engineering for Australia.

Light blue background with red text and a red cube
Engineers Australia | April 2023

Submission to inquiry into developing advanced manufacturing in Australia

Developing Australia’s domestic capability in digital technologies is a must. Engineers Australia calls for government to look at the skills and resource requirements needed to upskill or reskill the workforce to achieve advanced manufacturing capability.

Light blue background with red text and a red cube
Engineers Australia | April 2023

Submission to the Australian Universities Accord

Engineers Australia's submission to the Australian Universities Accord, Aligning education with Australia's national interests, highlights the importance of engineers in our current and future workforce. We outline the significance of higher education in developing engineers to support Australia's sovereign capability and prosperity. 

Image of cyber security submission cover
Engineers Australia | April 2023

2023–2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy

Securing Australian cyber space and building a robust and resilient cyber ecosystem will require a comprehensive, agile, and inclusive strategy. Engineers Australia’s submission offers the view of its expert members on what the Government could do to achieve the goal of securing our nation’s cyber ecosystem and shift the dial to move cyber security front of mind. 

Grey with navy document symbol
Northern Division | April 2023

Water security in the Northern Territory

Statement on water security in the Northern Territory: Engineers Australia acknowledges access to safe and secure supplies of drinking water are critical for human health and the wellbeing of present and future generations. We have set out seven principles that are key to delivering better water security outcomes in the Northern Territory.

Cover of DYD stakeholder consultation process
Environmental College | April 2013

The DYD stakeholder consultation process

This guide was prepared to enable education institutions and industry organisations to use the Define Your Discipline (DYD) Stakeholder Consultation Process to develop practitioner-authenticated graduate capability frameworks for the programs in their discipline

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