Publication library

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Amusement rides and devices

Amusement rides and devices engineering deals with certification in line with the relevant Australian Standard of design, construction, operation, inspection, testing, service and maintenance associated with fixed and mobile amusement rides.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering deals with the development of aircraft and spacecraft. The purpose of aerospace engineering is to achieve optimal integrated aerospace systems. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical engineering deals with the mechanics of soil and rock and its applications to engineering elements.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Fire Safety Engineering

Fire safety engineering deals with the protection of life, property, and environment through the application of engineering principles, rules and judgement to the phenomenon of fire, its physical effects and the reaction and behaviour of people to fire.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering deals with electricity generation, transmission, distribution, electrical equipment manufacture, instrumentation and control systems.

Annual report 2020-2021 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2021

Annual report 2020-2021

This annual report on Engineers Australia’s achievements and challenges for 2020–21 aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensure transparent and responsible reporting for governance best practice, summarise the main activities and financial performance of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our focus. 

External voice project cover
Engineers Australia | February 2021

External Voice Project

The External Voice Project (EVP) is a mechanism for delivering on a set of Engineers Australia Board priorities. This document explains the EVP model. 

Annual report 2019-2022 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2020

Annual report 2019-2020

This annual report provides comprehensive information on our achievements for the 2019–20 financial year. It aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensure transparent and responsible reporting that meets governance best practice, provide members with information about the main activities and financial performance of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our areas of focus as the peak body for the engineering profession in Australia. 

Cover of STEM brochure for high school students
Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: brochure

Shape the future by solving problems – learn where engineering could take you.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: brochure

Use this brochure when teaching primary school students about problem solving with engineering and STEM.

Annual report cover 2019
Engineers Australia | November 2019

Annual report 2018-2019

This annual report provides comprehensive information on our achievements for the 2018-19 financial year. It aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensure transparent and responsible reporting that meets governance best practice, provide members with information about the key activities of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our key areas of focus as the peak body for the engineering profession in Australia. 

Annual report 2017-2018 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2018

Annual Report 2017-2018

This annual report provides comprehensive information on our achievements for the 2017–18 financial year. It aims to inform members of measurable progress against our strategic priorities., ensure transparent and responsible reporting that meets governance best practice, provide members with information about the key activities of our organisation, and inform stakeholders, partners, media and government of our key areas of focus as the peak body for the engineering profession in Australia.

Annual report 2016-2017 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2017

Annual Report 2016-2017

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

How we champion your leadership journey cover
College of Leadership and Management | July 2017

How we champion your leadership journey

The College of Leadership and Management is here to support you on your career journey. It is a place to meet and network with other people on similar journeys and for you to participate in activities that advance your knowledge and capability.

Annual report cover 2016
Engineers Australia | November 2016

Annual report 2015-2016

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Annual report cover 2015
Engineers Australia | November 2015

Annual Report 2014-2015

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Annual report 2013-2014 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2014

Annual report 2013-2014

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Annual report 2012-2013 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2013

Annual report 2012-2013

Summary of key outcomes for Engineers Australia for financial year 2012-2013. 

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