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Annual report 2013-2014 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2014

Annual report 2013-2014

Engineers Australia’s annual report aims to inform members of measurable progress against annual and long-term goals, ensure transparency in reporting, informed by contemporary approaches to corporate responsibility reporting, give due emphasis to the key sections of the Institution including the Divisions, Colleges and Special Interest Groups, to ensure members are adequately updated on all areas of the organisation, and ensure the annual report process encompasses principal reporting obligations flowing from the Charter and By-Laws for the Board, Congress, Divisions, Colleges and Technical Societies. 

Practice note cover
Society of Fire Safety | April 2014

Tenability criteria in building fires

This practice note has been prepared as a guide to practitioners on tenability criteria in building fires, for the purpose of enhancing consistency in the fire engineering industry.

EHA practice note cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | 2014

Evaluation of engineering heritage

The purpose of this practice note is to provide engineers and others with essential background information on the assessment of the engineering heritage significance of an item or work.

Cover for Energy security in Australia
Engineers Australia | 2014

Energy security for Australia: crafting a comprehensive energy security policy

This report makes a series of recommendations aimed at implementing a comprehensive approach to energy security policy through a series of initiatives. 

Cover of Our FLNG future engineering opportunities and challenges
Engineers Australia | 2014

Our FLNG future: engineering opportunities and challenges

The introduction of Floating Liquefied Natural Gas facilities (FLNG) into the Western Australian gas industry marks a major step change in the way natural gas fields can be developed.

Aqua background with document symbol
National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering | 2000

Research priorities for coastal and ocean engineering in Australia

This document is designed as a point of reference for researchers in project selection and for funding bodies when deciding which projects to support. It should also be useful for industries as a check for where research effort is to be applied.

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