Publication library

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | December 2022

Inquiry into plastic pollution in Australia’s oceans and waterways

Engineers Australia welcomes the opportunity to submit a response into the Inquiry into plastic pollution in Australia’s oceans and waterways. Plastic pollution is of course more widespread than in aquatic ecosystems alone however it is in marine environments that the effect of plastic pollution is most widely observed.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | August 2022

Structural Engineering

Structural engineering deals with the understanding, prediction, and calculation of the stability, strength and rigidity of built structures.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | August 2022

Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineering uses the core knowledge of the environment to create innovative solutions for a sustainable future.

Engineers Australia | July 2022

Summary statement: Professional engineer

This template is designed to help you write your summary statement. A summary statement is an overview of the competencies you’ve demonstrated in each of your career episodes. 

Engineers Australia | July 2022

Summary statement: Engineering technologist

This template is designed to help you write your summary statement. A summary statement is an overview of the competencies you’ve demonstrated in each of your career episodes. 

Engineers Australia | July 2022

Summary statement: Engineering associate

This template is designed to help you write your summary statement. A summary statement is an overview of the competencies you’ve demonstrated in each of your career episodes. 

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Engineers Australia | July 2022

Leadership and management

Leadership and management deals with business management or administrative functions in an engineering environment.

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Engineers Australia | July 2022

Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering

Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering (ITEE) deals with scientific and engineering design to develop computer modelling tools, broadband capability, improve telecommunications systems, hardware and software, systems for media broadcasting and sound, and sophisticated electronics. 

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Engineers Australia | July 2022

Heritage and conservation engineering

Heritage and conservation engineering deals with the application and adaptation of all the traditional disciplines of engineering, together with an understanding of the elementary scientific principles involved which might not be directly referenced in current practice procedures.  

Orange with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Subsea engineering

Subsea engineering deals with the design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of equipment in the ocean or on the seabed.

Orange with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Risk engineering

Risk engineering deals with the effective and efficient application of engineering methodologies and approaches at every step of the risk management cycle, across strategic, operational, financial or portfolio/program/project objectives. 

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Engineers Australia | July 2022

Project management

Project management deals with the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria. 

Orange with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Pressure equipment design verification

Pressure Equipment Design Verification deals with the process which assures the integrity of pressure vessels, boilers, pressure piping, and gas cylinders for the stated design and operating conditions.

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Engineers Australia | July 2022

Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineering deals with four main sub-disciplines which are reservoir, drilling, production, and formation evaluation engineering.

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Engineers Australia | July 2022

Oil and Gas Pipeline Engineering

Oil and gas pipeline engineering deals with the efficient transport of fluids. This area of practice relates only to the transmission of petroleum and gas and related fluid pipelines.

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Engineers Australia | July 2022

Naval Architecture

Naval architecture deals with the safe design and specification of marine vessels and structures. The naval architect can also be involved in the construction, repair, refit or operation of such marine vessels and structures. 

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics engineering is multidisciplinary and deals with integrating electrical and mechanical systems. It can include a combination of robotics, electronics, computing, telecommunications, systems, control, product engineering, and electronics to create functional, smart products.

Navy with document symbol
Engineers Australia | July 2022

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering deals with the application of the principles of engineering and physics with the study of advanced materials for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. 

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