Publication library

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | November 2023

Response to Intergenerational Equity Bill

Engineers Australia's response for the Inquiry into the Climate Change Amendment (Duty Of Care And Intergenerational Equity) Bill 2023.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | September 2023

Engineers Australia ACT Integrated Energy Plan position paper

Engineers Australia provides feedback and recommendations, informed by members, on the ACT Integrated Energy Plan.

Urban Transport Systems title in red on a grey background. Large red brackets sit around the red title.
Transport Australia Society | August 2023

Urban Transport Systems Report (August 2023)

This paper has been developed by Engineers Australia’s Transport Australia Society (TAs) to provide expert advice to governments, policy makers and other stakeholders with a role in policy, planning, operating and delivery of Australia’s urban transport systems.

Grey with navy document symbol
Northern Division | February 2023

Northern Territory Energy Security position statement

Engineers Australia Northern Committee sets out a number of statements they acknowledge as key to delivering better energy security outcomes in the Northern Territory context.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | February 2023

Safeguard Mechanism Reforms position paper

Engineers Australia provides feedback on the proposed Safeguard Mechanism reforms. Engineers Australia urges the government to consider all climate reforms, including these SGM reforms, within a context of engineering-led actions and responses.

Future of transport paper cover featuring red text and an image of a highway in the middle of high rise buildings
Engineers Australia | January 2023

The future of transport discussion paper

With contributions from future of transport working group members this paper discusses pathways to a sustainable, decarbonised transport network including looking at transport though a systems view and enabling greater collaboration for project planning and funding.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | December 2022

Inquiry into plastic pollution in Australia’s oceans and waterways

Engineers Australia welcomes the opportunity to submit a response into the Inquiry into plastic pollution in Australia’s oceans and waterways. Plastic pollution is of course more widespread than in aquatic ecosystems alone however it is in marine environments that the effect of plastic pollution is most widely observed.

Engineers Australia | July 2022

Summary statement: Professional engineer

This template is designed to help you write your summary statement. A summary statement is an overview of the competencies you’ve demonstrated in each of your career episodes. 

Engineers Australia | July 2022

Summary statement: Engineering technologist

This template is designed to help you write your summary statement. A summary statement is an overview of the competencies you’ve demonstrated in each of your career episodes. 

Engineers Australia | July 2022

Summary statement: Engineering associate

This template is designed to help you write your summary statement. A summary statement is an overview of the competencies you’ve demonstrated in each of your career episodes. 

EngExec competencies
Engineers Australia | May 2022

Engineering leadership and management competencies: EngExec

This guide outlines the required leadership and management competencies for our invite-only EngExec credential.

Cover of Occupational category description and competencies for entry to practice
Engineers Australia | May 2022

Occupational category description and competencies for entry to practice: Engineering Manager

This document sets out the entry-to-practice or stage 1 competency standards for assessment as an engineering manager.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | April 2022

Commercialisation of engineering innovation

Despite having one of the world’s most educated and wealthy populations, Australia remains a chronic underperformer when it comes to the commercialisation of engineering innovation.

Image of publication cover
Transport Australia Society | April 2022

Universal design for transport - TAS discussion paper

Future of rail transport cover
Transport Australia Society | March 2022

Future of rail transport

This paper calls for increased use of rail in Australia’s land transport system. It aims to enable policy makers, delivery agencies, investors, operators and the public to better understand the land transport situation and scenarios where rail can play a larger role, develop strong visions for national land transport effectiveness and mobility goals, and establish timelines for delivering major changes in our national mobility systems.

Engineering skills supply and demand
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Engineering skills: supply and demand

This discussion paper is designed to provide a broad view of the situation Australia is facing in relation to the supply and demand for engineering skills. It is a resource to prompt thought and discussion.

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery policy directions paper
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Enhancing productivity in infrastructure delivery

This document provides recommendations for implementation by Australian governments, in collaboration with industry and academia, to increase productivity in the infrastructure sector and to determine how engineers can best contribute to these aspirations. 

Intergrating DER in the gird, energy discussion paper cover
Engineers Australia | March 2022

Discussion paper: integrating DER in the grid

This discussion paper is intended to stimulate a conversation about what is possible for DER integration, and how Engineers Australia should engage with it.

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We work with publishing house Taylor & Francis to publish technical journals and encourage members to submit their own papers.

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