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Engineers Australia | November 2018

AMS-POL-02 Accreditation principles - COVID-19

This document sets out Engineers Australia's policy on how we apply the accreditation principles to higher education (tertiary) and VET engineering courses during the covid-19 pandemic.
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Engineers Australia | August 2018

AMS-MAN-20 Accreditation criteria user guide for VET

This document sets out the accreditation criteria you'll need to follow to have your VET institution's courses accredited with Engineers Australia. Use this with the AMS-MAN-21 procedures manual.
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Engineers Australia | July 2018

AMS-MAN-21 Procedures manual for VET programs

This manual sets out the process and procedures you'll need to follow to have your VET institution's courses accredited with Engineers Australia.
Cover of PPIR protocol for engagement
The Warren Centre | July 2013

PPIR protocol for engagement

This protocol informs and guides companies and public sector entities operating as clients, suppliers or employers on the essentials in making effective use of the knowledge and experience of Professional Engineers to achieve optimum outcomes and value for money in considering and undertaking an engineering task. 

Cover of DYD stakeholder consultation process
Environmental College | April 2013

The DYD stakeholder consultation process

This guide was prepared to enable education institutions and industry organisations to use the Define Your Discipline (DYD) Stakeholder Consultation Process to develop practitioner-authenticated graduate capability frameworks for the programs in their discipline

Cover for graduate capability framework environmental engineering
Environmental College | March 2013

A graduate capability framework for environmental engineering programs

This guide is designed to inform environmental engineering stakeholders about the profession’s expectations regarding the capabilities of graduates during their first two or three years of practice. It is expected that each group of stakeholders will use the guide in different ways

Engineers Australia | February 2013

National generic stage 1 competency standards 2011

This document provides an overview and history of the development of the entry-to-practice or stage 1 competency standards.

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