Publication library

Cover of Engineering profession: statistical overview
Engineers Australia | November 2023

The engineering profession: a statistical overview, 15th edition

This report provides high-level insights about the engineering profession for the period 2016–2021. It contains the empirical data required to make decisions to develop an engineering workforce that will be the backbone of a sustainable, safe and energy efficient future.


This edition is complemented by an interactive dashboard which allows you to explore the data. 

Pale red background with document symbol
June 2023

Engineers Australia annual plan 2023-24

Engineers Australia's annual plan 2023-24 outlines key outcomes the business is striving to achieve this year.

Pale red background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Engineers Australia strategy 2023-24

Engineers Australia's strategy on a page outlines the long-term outcomes we want to achieve and defines our critical work.
Cover of Engineers Australia's vacancy report
February 2023

Australian Engineering Employment Vacancies - January to December 2022

The growing shortage of critical engineering skills throughout Australia is major risk to all infrastructure, defence and renewable energies projects, generating significant project delays and cost blowout throughout the country. In the Australian Engineering Employment Vacancies report, Engineers Australia is offering you an analysis of the current engineering labour market in Australia across all states and territories.

Cover of Queensland water policy
Engineers Australia | February 2023

Queensland water policy: water governance for a resilient future

Engineers Australia has developed this water policy statement to suggest a way toward a prosperous, sustainable and resilient future.

Cover for Energy security in Australia
Engineers Australia | 2014

Energy security for Australia: crafting a comprehensive energy security policy

This report makes a series of recommendations aimed at implementing a comprehensive approach to energy security policy through a series of initiatives. 

Cover of Our FLNG future engineering opportunities and challenges
Engineers Australia | 2014

Our FLNG future: engineering opportunities and challenges

The introduction of Floating Liquefied Natural Gas facilities (FLNG) into the Western Australian gas industry marks a major step change in the way natural gas fields can be developed.

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