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Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: simplified presentation

This simplified presentation will help you teach high school students about how they can help shape the future with a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation

Use this detailed presentation to help you teach high school students about how they can help shape the future with a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation notes

Use these detailed presentation notes with the detailed presentation when you present to high school students about the benefits of a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: simplified presentation notes

Use these simplified presentation notes with the simplified version of the presentation when you present to high school students about the benefits of a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: brochure

Use this brochure when teaching primary school students about problem solving with engineering and STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: poster

Use this poster to teach primary school students about problem solving using engineering and STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: pre-presentation instructions

Cover of the primary school presentation tookit
Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation

This detailed presentation will help you teach primary school students about engineering and a career in STEM.

Cover of the primary school presentation tookit
Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: simplified presentation

Use this simplified presentation to teach primary school students about engineering and a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation notes

Use these detailed presentation notes with the detailed presentation when you present to primary school students engineering and STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: simplified presentation notes

Use these simplified presentation notes with the simplified presentation when you present to primary school students about engineering and STEM.

Engineers Australia | November 2019

Current infrastructure developments: the decade to 30 June 2019

Engineering profession statistical overview cover
Engineers Australia | June 2019

The engineering profession: a statistical overview, 14th edition

This report aims to contribute to an understanding of Australia’s engineering profession by compiling statistics about engineers in Australia. The statistical overview fills a gap created by the fragmented nature of Australian official statistics as they relate to specific professions and occupational groups.

Engineers Australia | February 2019

Industry responses in a collapse of global governance

Cover of Australia's engineering capability
Engineers Australia | February 2019

Australia’s engineering capability: how the last ten years will influence the future

This report analyses and presents statistics describing the characteristics and size of Australia’s engineering profession over the period 2006 to 2016. It is the first report covering the three population censuses over the boom and bust cycle during these years.

Engineers and industry: a decade of change cover
Engineers Australia | 2019

Engineers and industry: a decade of change

This report examines the size, growth and character of engineering industry employment in Australia to improve the understanding of the dynamics of the engineering profession. The number of engineers working in different industries has changed over the decade 2006 to 2016 as the economy has continued a slow transition from a manufacturing-based economy to a service-based economy. 

Engineers Australia | 2018

Engineering construction on infrastructure: 10 years of trends

State of the engineering profession 2017 cover
Engineers Australia | 2017

The state of the engineering profession: engineering in Australia

Engineers Australia's insights for 2017, specifically the change required to realise the country’s political, social and economic aspirations.

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