Publication library

Cover of STEM brochure for high school students
Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: brochure

Shape the future by solving problems – learn where engineering could take you.

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: poster

Use this poster when teaching high school students about how they can help shape the future with a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: pre-presentation instructions

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: simplified presentation

This simplified presentation will help you teach high school students about how they can help shape the future with a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation

Use this detailed presentation to help you teach high school students about how they can help shape the future with a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation notes

Use these detailed presentation notes with the detailed presentation when you present to high school students about the benefits of a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

High school STEM toolkit: simplified presentation notes

Use these simplified presentation notes with the simplified version of the presentation when you present to high school students about the benefits of a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: brochure

Use this brochure when teaching primary school students about problem solving with engineering and STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: poster

Use this poster to teach primary school students about problem solving using engineering and STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: pre-presentation instructions

Cover of the primary school presentation tookit
Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation

This detailed presentation will help you teach primary school students about engineering and a career in STEM.

Cover of the primary school presentation tookit
Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: simplified presentation

Use this simplified presentation to teach primary school students about engineering and a career in STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: detailed presentation notes

Use these detailed presentation notes with the detailed presentation when you present to primary school students engineering and STEM.

Engineers Australia | 2020

Primary school STEM toolkit: simplified presentation notes

Use these simplified presentation notes with the simplified presentation when you present to primary school students about engineering and STEM.

EHA cover
Engineering Heritage Australia | December 2013

EHA Magazine, volume 1, edition 1

This edition includes Edward Barton and the Barton White & Company Power Station and Factory, the National Steam Centre, Scoresby, Ord River Diversion Dam, Overland Telegraph and the Phoenix Foundry in Ballarat. 

Annual report 2012-2013 cover
Engineers Australia | November 2013

Annual report 2012-2013

Summary of key outcomes for Engineers Australia for financial year 2012-2013. 

Cover of PPIR protocol for engagement
The Warren Centre | July 2013

PPIR protocol for engagement

This protocol informs and guides companies and public sector entities operating as clients, suppliers or employers on the essentials in making effective use of the knowledge and experience of Professional Engineers to achieve optimum outcomes and value for money in considering and undertaking an engineering task. 

Cover of DYD stakeholder consultation process
Environmental College | April 2013

The DYD stakeholder consultation process

This guide was prepared to enable education institutions and industry organisations to use the Define Your Discipline (DYD) Stakeholder Consultation Process to develop practitioner-authenticated graduate capability frameworks for the programs in their discipline

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