Publication library

Pale red background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | March 2024

Apply for membership – Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Ingenieros Industriales

This guide explains the options available to Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Ingenieros Industriales (CGCOII) members who want to apply for membership with Engineers Australia under the agreement between both organisations. 

Project awards handbook  cover
Engineers Australia | March 2024

Excellence Awards 2024: Project Award entry handbook

The Project of the Year Award recognises Australia’s top engineering projects and the teams behind them. These projects inspire and encourage engineering distinction through teamwork, innovation and technical excellence. 


This handbook provides everything you need to know about nominating for the 2024 award. 

People awards handbook cover
Engineers Australia | March 2024

Excellence Awards 2024: People Awards entry handbook

People awards acknowledge individual engineers for outstanding innovation and resourcefulness in their work. Six awards are available based on the three occupational categories. 

This handbook provides everything you need to know about nominating for the 2024 award. 

Grey background with red text saying '2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy: Legislative Reforms' in large red brackets
Engineers Australia | March 2024

Australian cyber security strategy: legislative reforms 2023-2030

Engineers Australia offers the view of its expert members on a few alternative approaches the Department of Home Affairs could consider that may streamline cyber security solutions while still effectively addressing the issues.

Grey with navy document symbol
March 2024

Australian New Vehicle Efficiency Standard submission

Engineers Australia supports the introduction of a New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) and provides advice for Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts on the proposed options for implementing the standard.

Aqua background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | March 2024

National Skills Passport submission

Engineers Australia’s submission provides feedback on the key principles developed by the Department of Education, focusing on how a National Skills Passport would impact the engineering industry.

Build your brand toolkit cover
Engineers Australia | February 2024

Build your brand

Make your mark in a competitive field with our tailored resources. These will help unlock your skill sets, advance your career and be recognised for your achievements at every career stage.

Cover of 2022-23 gender pay gap report
Engineers Australia | February 2024

2022-2023 gender pay gap report

Engineers Australia welcomes the Workplace Gender Equality Agency public gender pay gap reporting initiative. The gender pay gap remains a persistent challenge in Australia and across many industries, and we support increased reporting, transparency and accountability as important steps to closing it.

Plain light grey background with red text saying 'National water reform inquiry' inside large red brackets
Engineers Australia | February 2024

National Water Reform 2024 Inquiry submission

Engineers Australia's submission to the National Water Reform 2024 inquiry recommends taking an integrated water management approach to achieve desired outcomes and broaden the delivery role of water utilities. This submission was developed in conjunction with members of the Queensland Division Committee, the Queensland Water Panel.

Plain light grey background with red text saying 'Keep Hobart Moving' in red brackets
Transport Australia Society | February 2024

Keeping Hobart Moving submission

The Transport Australia society and Engineers Australia give feedback on the Keeping Hobart Moving – Transport Solutions for Our Future draft plan.

Grey background with red text reading 'growing and sustaining australia's space engineering capability and capacity' inside large red brackets
Space Engineering | February 2024

Space policy advice paper

Engineers Australia’s National Committee on Space Engineering has developed a policy advice paper on Australia’s space engineering capability through the member-delivered policy and advocacy process. 

Pale red background with document symbol
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Engineers Australia strategy 2023-24

Engineers Australia's strategy on a page outlines the long-term outcomes we want to achieve and defines our critical work.
Orange with document symbol
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Systems engineering

Systems engineering deals with the interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realisation of successful systems.  

Cover of clean energy workforce capacity study submission
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Clean energy workforce capacity study

The Australian Government has commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) to undertake a capacity study on the workforce needs for Australia's transition to a clean energy economy. JSA is identifying the pathways to develop the required skills and training, the contribution of the migration program and how opportunities are shared across regions and incorporate diversity. Our submission draws on the work we have done in strengthening the engineering workforce in Australia, women in engineering and reducing the barriers for migrant engineers.

Image of a crane working on a building site cropped in a hexagon shape in front of a white background with a red text title
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Guide for design engineers and building certifiers

This guide takes an in-principle approach, laying out best practice in terms of communication, problem solving, record keeping and teamwork, which design engineers and building certifiers will find helpful.

Three cropped images of different apartment buildings on a white background with a red text title
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Managing building defects: roles, responsibilities and collaboration among owners, strata managers and engineers

This document is intended to provide high-level guidance on the obligations, responsibilities, and areas of expertise of owners, strata managers and engineers over the lifecycle of a building.

Navy page with red cube in the middle and red text
Engineers Australia | May 2023

Pathway to diversity in STEM review dialogue starter

Engineers Australia calls for diversity and inclusion efforts driven by commitment from organisational leaders and support from government.

Submission paper with light blue background red text and a red cube in the middle
Engineers Australia | May 2023

University sector review panel discussion paper WA

Engineers Australia believes there is an opportunity for significant benefit through increased collaboration between university and industry.

Engineers Australia technical journals are peer-reviewed and are available in more than 12,000 libraries around the world.

If you're a member you can access these technical journals free of charge.

Login to the portal, click on the products and services tab and then choose information resource centre to get access.

We work with publishing house Taylor & Francis to publish technical journals and encourage members to submit their own papers.

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